Section 2 The Story Of Creation - 05 Life In Heaven

Question: Why do we need You to keep going? Why are we not self- sustaining? You said that we a living entity. Here on earth, children (even animals) after a time can independently survive without their parents? Why is it that this is not possible for us to live independently of you?

God’s answer:

You cannot be Me without Me.
I Am a continuity.

Question: What does Your statement mean?

God’s answer:



Life Support

I Am your coping mechanism.

Meaning: I met a person who was very disturbed because he always felt he was “another person” inside. When he closes his eyes, he does not see


darkness but white light. God said: “He is aware of his self – his “I am”. Although we are all an “I am”, and some even recognize this life of God in them, the key is the “connection” of this life with the life of God (I AM). Without this connection, what you have is a life that has no source - one that feels disconnected, has no sense of who and what it is, and unsure of its purpose.

As Jesus said: “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). To paraphrase, for as long as God is in us, we are connected to the vine. When there is no more of God’s life in us, we die.

In the Chapter on the Fall from Grace, God expounds on how sin disconnects us from God and causes us to die. A more in-depth discussion of Life and Death can also be found in Chapter 22.

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